flowers for designers
Flowers for Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill florists
Are you a local wedding florist or designer who wants to add a bit of local color to differentiate your designs ? Our sustainably-grown NC flowers offer a local, seasonal look to your arrangements and events.
Our NC flower season
For 2025 Iām planning wholesale availability from April - June and September - November.
Delivery areas served
Our Chatham County-grown flowers are available for delivery to any Triangle area wedding florist or floral designer. Delivery is generally Tuesdays (Pittsboro/Cary) or Wednesdays (Apex/Fuquay).
On-farm pick up can also be scheduled for smaller orders, off days or those outside our delivery area.
What varieties do I grow?
Want to know which wedding flowers will be available next season? Here is a sneak peek at my annual flower calendar to see what Iām planning to grow in 2025.
This calendar is for planning purposes. These and other crops and colors may/not be available based on conditions. Actual quantities and availability depend on weather and crop conditions and everything else under the sun.
With enough notice, I can custom grow flowers or colors. Please contact me for details!
Availability list
Want to receive my weekly availability list?
Sign up to get my weekly email (Wenesdays) or to inquire about specific flowers. I look forward to working with you!